All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children." (Isaiah 54:13)
Children need the care, support, and love of Christ. At Living Grace Church, our pastors and staff are here to support the spiritual growth of all children—including preschool, kindergarten, and elementary. Through Bible studies, Bible related activities, and Sunday services, sound Biblical teaching will be provided.
A Baby Room with a live stream monitor is available for infants and toddlers under 2 years old. You can also use the outdoor patio which also has a live stream monitor.
Pre-School/Kindergarten (ages 2-5) is in a room connected to our sanctuary.
Children's Worship for 1st-5th grade is in a building adjacent to our sanctuary.
We also firmly believe in the care of our pastors and staff. All Education Dept services are provided only during the 2nd LGC service at 11:30am. This way, staff members can attend our 1st service at 9:45am before they serve in their respective ministries.
For more information, contact:
Pastor Daniel